Ph Communications

Oklahoma City Copywriting, Design, Creative and More

Advertising Isn’t Rocket Science…

…And you don’t even need to be a poet, but really, it’s not that hard, is it? What should have been a three word headline with a total of seven letters and we can’t even get it right? Outdoor advertising should be pretty simple but, apparently...

Gas ‘Em Up And Go!

Warning: The following post contains “soul-baring” content. Note that I usually don’t post that kind of stuff because: a) I’m a guy b) I’ve worked in advertising for 25 years and have become cynical and jaded (though, in all honesty, how...

How To Make A Sonic Bust

During my non-poetic college years, one of the electives I took in my copywriting studies was Radio/TV Copywriting. The instructor was a local advertising pro, and I really enjoyed the course because we spent class time actually practicing and learning to write radio...

It’s A Race To The Finish

As this year’s edition of the Tour de France is entering its final week, it’s time for my annual non-poetic rambling on the Tour as marketing metaphor (though I know most of you have them committed to memory and posted on your refrigerator, if you want to...

How To Get A Big Bang Out Of One Amstel Light

In addition to my obsessions over beer (not Amstel Light) and bicycling, I’m also an avid follower of the National Hockey League’s Boston Bruins. When the Bs won their first Stanley Cup Championship in 39 years last month, I was elated (but I didn’t...

What Can You Learn From A Bottle Opener?

When I was but a wee non-poet, my Mom would take me along to visit her Aunt Jo (my Great Aunt). Though it seems like we went over there all the time, it was probably once a week at best and, since my older brothers were busy doing whatever they were doing, I usually...