Ph Communications

Oklahoma City Copywriting, Design, Creative and More

He's Not A Poet

Making The Most Of Minimum Marketing

Recently, while enjoying a beer or two with some other beer-loving friends, we began discussing the popularity of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. We all agreed that it was cheap but, considering there had been no marketing anyone could think of, we also figured there was...

What’s Your Story?

As our topic today is "Storytelling," I'd like to start with a story… Several years ago, I paid a visit to some friends at a small ad agency with whom I'd once shared office space. On this particular day, I walked in to see a graphic artist friend using a digital...

Tank 7 or Saison? What’s In A Name?

I'm sure this has been said by many people and many ways but... There are goods and services in this world that can actually sell themselves. Everything else needs an ad agency... I'm a beer snob and, thanks to my brother, whose brother-in-law owns Boulevard Brewing...

When The Best Intentions Create Bad Public Relations

Public Relations: Communication by a person or an organization with the purpose of creating a favorable public image We've all heard that "friends don't let friends drive drunk." But should friends (who work in advertising and PR) let friends do their own public...

New Client

I took on a new client today. But they won't be paying me, they won't have final approval, I won't be producing anything for them, and they'll likely never even know I'm working for them. That's because I'll be providing them the most powerful marketing tool known to...

15 Years Ago

August 17th, 1994. It's a day that I remember fondly for two reasons. First was the severe storm that raked portions of northwest Oklahoma from late morning into the early evening, featuring winds over 110 mph, which was blowing hail to the size of softballs (and, in...

Cycling and Advertising…There Actually Is A Connection!

With Lance Armstrong's return to the Tour de France this year, cycling returned to the American consciousness once again. And with that increased visibility, I again fielded more questions about pro cycling, how it works, the intricacies of team tactics, and more. And...