by admin | Jul 15, 2010 | Pale Hose Blog
Bicycling long distances is all about cadence, or that pace at which one can comfortably turn the pedals at even speed. It’s different for every cyclist and, for people like me who inevitably lose fitness over the winter, it can take time to find that comfort...
by admin | Jul 6, 2010 | Pale Hose Blog
Many years ago, I was sitting in a meeting of a client discussing what to do for their first anniversary. This client was a brewpub (then a hot, new concept) in a warehouse entertainment district and all the club’s managers, owners, and investors were present....
by admin | Jun 28, 2010 | Pale Hose Blog
Recently I was comparing two clients. Both are multiple outlet retailers, both are in similar markets, and both had initially pursued comparable marketing plans. The difference was, one (we’ll call Company A) was thriving and one (Company B) was struggling and...
by admin | Jun 7, 2010 | Pale Hose Blog
First off, know that this post was inspired by another blog I frequent, Redhead Writing, written by Erika Napoletano. In her post on Tuesday, May 25th, she went off on all the cheap crap some professionals use to market themselves, such as junky logo pens or those...
by admin | Apr 1, 2010 | Pale Hose Blog
I’ve never been much for April Fool’s shenanigans. But, April 1st always brings to mind a piece I did while working as the Copywriter/Advertising Coordinator for Glamour Shots. This was during the heyday of Glamour Shots. When they couldn’t sell...