Ph Communications

Oklahoma City Copywriting, Design, Creative and More

AC/DC And The ABCs of Advertising

When I was in high school, it seemed like every afternoon as I drove home, one of the two rock radio stations in town would play AC/DC’s Highway To Hell. While never much of an AC/DC fan, the juxtaposition of the song coming on the radio as I made my way home...

It’s A Race To The Finish

As this year’s edition of the Tour de France is entering its final week, it’s time for my annual non-poetic rambling on the Tour as marketing metaphor (though I know most of you have them committed to memory and posted on your refrigerator, if you want to...

And Then…It Clicks!

Bicycling long distances is all about cadence, or that pace at which one can comfortably turn the pedals at even speed. It’s different for every cyclist and, for people like me who inevitably lose fitness over the winter, it can take time to find that comfort...