Ph Communications

Oklahoma City Copywriting, Design, Creative and More

Beware! Buzz Can Bite!

Awhile back, a client looked me in the eye and said, “I don’t need to advertise. I’m on Facebook and Twitter and I can create a buzz any time I want.” I walked out and spent the rest of the day laughing because, (a) This client made the bulk of...

What Do You Do When Your Garage Is Empty?

(OK, so the title sounds like self-help/motivational drivel, but in this case, there’s an actual point, so play along!) A couple weeks back, I was stopped at a traffic light and, as I waited for it to turn green, I glanced over at the quick-lube/oil change place...

Has Your Marketing Seen The Light

My brother was in town last weekend and asked if I wanted to go for an after-dark bike ride. Normally, though I might make an occasional run to the store after dark, my bike riding is most often confined to daylight hours, essentially for reasons of safety and timing....

Making The Most Of Minimum Marketing

Recently, while enjoying a beer or two with some other beer-loving friends, we began discussing the popularity of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. We all agreed that it was cheap but, considering there had been no marketing anyone could think of, we also figured there was...