Ph Communications

Oklahoma City Copywriting, Design, Creative and More

He's Not A Poet

Notes From The Road

As I'm freshly home from a family vacation that took me across Kansas (the state, not the band) on our way to Colorado Springs (where we visited a large number of gift shops with tourist attractions attached), I just wanted to share a couple examples of why some...

How Cool Do You Want To Be?

Special Tour de France As Advertising Metaphor Bonus Content!! Behold one Mario Cipollini, known as the Lion King and one of the most dominant sprinters in professional cycling in the 90's (and not to be confused with Mario Cipollina the former bassist for Huey Lewis...

Keep Your Marketing Momentum Going

As I write this, the 2012 edition of the Tour de France is entering the final week of its three week circle around France. That means it's time for my annual non-poetic rambling on the Tour as advertising/marketing metaphor (though I know most of you have them...

Margaritaville And The Four Ps Of Branding Magic

(First off, let me point out that, no, this post is not coming to you from Margaritaville, nor is it being written with toes in the sand and drink in hand. Instead, know that you're reading original, first rate blog material, fresh from the beehive of activity that is...

A Great Beer Ad From Back In The Day…

When men were men and wore tuxedos for every occasion, women wore elegant formal gowns, and everyone made their toasts with...Ballantine beer! Love the illustration, the traditional layout, and the simplicity of it all. h/t to Brookston Beer Bulletin for the original...

Absolutely Brilliant!

Thanks to the Copyranter blog, I was alerted to this wonderfully brilliant St. Patty's Day spot for Guinness. At over two minutes, it's way too long for the American attention span and, as it was produced for the UK market, it derives it's humor from actual creative...

Overly Alarmist Ad Of The Day

On this "Super Tuesday" you gotta love a political action committee that simplifies the issues for us. From the pro-Gingrich Super PAC Winning Our Future we get this very simple takeaway: forget cancer, global warming, nuclear attack, natural disaster, or the...

Dumb Disclaimer Of The Day

I received this in an email offering a week or two ago and, after reading the poorly written copy and offer, I was shocked, SHOCKED, to see the disclaimer warning me that a product called "Goldenberg's Peanut Chews" contains…peanuts!  I understand ours is a litigious...