Ph Communications

Oklahoma City Copywriting, Design, Creative and More

He's Not A Poet

And The Incomparably Bad Headline Of The Day Award Goes To…

This! Sheets is also endorsed by LeBron James, which pretty much screams "class" in advertising. Beyond that, I have no words... UPDATE: There are also TV spots that are every bit as sheety as the shelter signage. And, no shock here, they were apparently written and...

What The Big Lebowski Can Teach You About Advertising

If you've seen The Big Lebowski, you're likely well-versed in the Coen brothers' tale of Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski, his rug, a case of mistaken identity, kidnapping, embezzlement, White Russians, bowling, and what have you. Oh, and some Creedence tapes. If you...

Dropping The Ball On Another Year…2011 In Non-Poetry

Like most folks, I always take a little time at the end of the year to look back at the preceding 365 days. And, as I thought back over some of the advice, rants, and lack of poetry I've spewed out over the last year, I was genuinely humbled by the number of people...

Make The Leap To Daredevil Marketing!

In the 1970's, there was no bigger superstar than Evel Knievel. And, like so many red-blooded American children of the era, I wanted to be just like him. Problem was, bicycle ramps weren't readily available then and I frequently had to settle for launching my bike off...

The Ultimate Marketing Trick From Steve Jobs

The death of Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs earlier this month elicited a wave of grief and sorrow that was on display across the digital spectrum. And, while I too was certainly sad to see a vibrant man in his mid-50s lose a battle to cancer, leaving three young...

What The Godfather Can Teach You About Social Media

What The Godfather Can Teach You About Social Media

In one scene in the movie The Godfather, the Corleone family is arguing over how to best avenge the assassination attempt on their Father, Don Vito Corleone. The hotheaded Underboss of the family, Sonny, argues for violent, widespread retribution. His brother and...

Go Ahead, Create A Monster

Recently, I spent some time observing the child of one of my cousins. This kid (who'll we'll call Johnny for the purposes of protecting the identity of the not so innocent) learned as an infant that a well timed scream or fit would immediately garner his doting...

Advertising Isn’t Rocket Science…

...And you don't even need to be a poet, but really, it's not that hard, is it? What should have been a three word headline with a total of seven letters and we can't even get it right? Outdoor advertising should be pretty simple but, apparently it's more difficult...

Gas ‘Em Up And Go!

Warning: The following post contains "soul-baring" content. Note that I usually don't post that kind of stuff because: a) I'm a guy b) I've worked in advertising for 25 years and have become cynical and jaded (though, in all honesty, how much of that can truly be...